[Moran]チャイナ·ドレス/China Dress[マヌカ, 桔梗, 萌, シフライム, しお, セレスティア] / [Manuka, Kikyo, Moe, Chiffon, Lime, Sio, Selestia]
- ダウンロード商品---Full Pack---¥ 2,200
- ダウンロード商品---Manuka---¥ 1,500
- ダウンロード商品---Moe---¥ 1,500
- ダウンロード商品---Kikyo---¥ 1,500
- ダウンロード商品---Lime & Chiffon---¥ 1,500
- ダウンロード商品---Sio---¥ 1,500
- ダウンロード商品---Selestia---¥ 1,500
*Contect Me https://x.com/Borish_VRC [Moran] * チャイナ·ドレス / China Dress * [マヌカ, 桔梗, 萌, シフライム, しお, セレスティア] / [Manuka, Kikyo, Moe, Chiffon, Limォン, e, Sio, Selestia] -재배포/재판매, 수정후 재배포/재판매를 금지합니다. -再配布/再販売、および改変後の再配布/再販売を禁止します。 -Redistribution/resale, as well as redistribution/resale after modification, is prohibited. * Liltoon https://lilxyzw.github.io/lilToon/#/ * Modular Avatar https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ *본 의상은 Modular Avatar를 사용하는 것을 전제로 합니다. *この衣装はモジュラーアバターを使用することを前提としています。 *This costume is intended to be used with a Modular Avatar. *[Moran]のエプロンが胸の動きに沿っているか確認してください!! *[Moran]의 앞치마가 가슴의 움직임을 따라가는지 확인해주세요!! *Please check if [Moran]'s apron follows the movement of the breast!!
-Support Avatar-
* Manuka https://jingo1016.booth.pm/items/5058077 * Kikyo https://ponderogen.booth.pm/items/3681787 * Lime https://komado.booth.pm/items/4876459 * Chiffon https://komado.booth.pm/items/5354471 * Moe https://booth.pm/ko/items/4667400 *Sio https://booth.pm/ko/items/5650156 *Selestia https://booth.pm/ko/items/4035411
* 이 옷은 Modular Avatar의 사용을 전제로 지원합니다. * 최신 버전의 Unity, Modular Avatar, Liltoon Shader만을 지원합니다. * 수정된 아바타에 적용 중 발생하는 문제에 대한 문의는 받지 않습니다. * 다른 아바타에 적용 중 발생하는 문제에 대한 문의는 받지 않습니다. * この衣装はモジュラーアバターの使用を前提としてサポートします。 * 最新バージョンのUnity、モジュラーアバター、Liltoon Shaderのみをサポートします。 * 修正されたアバターに適用する際に発生する問題についてのお問い合わせには対応いたしません。 * 他のアバターに適用する際に発生する問題についてのお問い合わせには対応いたしません。 * This outfit supports the use of Modular Avatar. * Only the latest versions of Unity, Modular Avatar, and Liltoon Shader are supported. * We do not respond to inquiries about issues arising from applying to modified avatars. * We do not respond to inquiries about issues arising from applying to other avatars.
-Terms of Use-
본 상품은 VN3 라이선스를 사용하고 있습니다. 아래의 라이선스를 확인해 주세요. 라이선스를 어길 시 제작자는 어떠한 책임을 지지 않습니다. この商品はVN3ライセンスを使用しています。 以下のライセンスをご確認ください。 ライセンスに違反した場合、製作者は一切の責任を負いません。 This product uses the VN3 license. Please check the license below. The creator assumes no responsibility for any violations of the license. JA: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wa_gZqoqIsFJGGn0a9l5upqQNsZQhtlH/view?usp=sharing EN: https://drive.google.com/file/d/198H8y7WgjxuHaOv7igYnBsjPqiV0D7EU/view?usp=sharing KO: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WK9tLtNUD9G3FcLGolCvet7HkG93fKQx/view?usp=sharing ZH: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OgfeGxZ-JqZjbrg_atjG-Hs90gaIc0SA/view?usp=sharing
-2024/07/12- *Published -2024/07/13- *Manuka Big Breast Prefab uptade (Fix Manuka's Chest Constant Component setting) *Manuka's Materials uptade (Fix Manuka's Materials setting) -2024/07/17- *Manuka Middle Breast Prefab uptade (Fix Manuka's Aoron PB Coloder setting) -2024/07/20- *Sio Prefabs FX file update (Fix Sio Prefab's FX file setting) *Chiffons's Materials uptade (Fix Chiffons's Materials setting) -2024/07/22- *Selestia's Prefab coldier Update (Fix Selestia's Colider root missing)
-Reported issue-
-24/07/13- *Wrong setting of Manuka's Chest Constant Component. (FIXED) *Wrong setting of Manuka's Materials. (FIXED) -2024/07/17- *Manuka Middle Breast's Apron PB have wrong colider setting. (FIXED) -2024/07/20- *Sio Prefabs has worng FX file (FIEXD) *Wrong setting of Chiffon's Materials. (FIXED) -2024/07/22- *Selestia's Prefab coldier root missing. (Fixed)
-Special Thanks-
Bumo @spacethesp https://x.com/spacethesp @VRC_HANINIA https://x.com/VRC_HANINIA @RabbitHaru_VRC https://x.com/RabbitHaru_VRC @hihihi04689681 https://x.com/hihihi04689681 @shuya030 https://x.com/shuya030?s=09 @Firstlife8 https://x.com/Firstlife8 @Belda_VRC https://x.com/belda_vrc @mokki_v1 https://x.com/mokki_v1/media @Ribbon0603 https://x.com/Ribbon0603 @Yango_MIX https://x.com/Yango_MIX @hare_20000 https://x.com/hare_20000 @jjh1012039111 https://x.com/jjh1012039111 @reila_mimi https://x.com/reila_mimi @Mechiba_VRC https://x.com/Mechiba_VRC/media @SnowingMarten https://x.com/SnowingMarten @VRC_Ch0iKatz https://x.com/VRC_Ch0iKatz @VRC_Rudell https://x.com/VRC_Rudell/media @Doraimasuket https://x.com/Doraimasuket